Thursday, July 31, 2008

try this one on for size, part 2

so, i don't know if any of you noticed, but i missed something kinda major on my housekeeping schedule. so, i've had to add something:

clean the bathroom
clean the kitchen

oh, gosh, i can't wait for saturday. woohoo. can you feel the excitement oozing out of this post? really? you can? huh, that's funny. because i'm gonna be honest here, folks, i'm totally being sarcastic. ah, well. at least at the end of the task, it's done and it'll be nice and clean. so, um, that'll be good.

anyway, i went grocery shopping today, and tomorrow the kids and i (and mom) are going to be cooking and baking up a storm. so that will be fun, at least! the kids are really looking forward it, too. and...


AnnMarie Brown said...

clean kitchen... what a plan.... LOL I am jumping with excitement here for you.

I am off to get some groceries today. Got to make some meals to put away here ourselves.

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i like this blog. this is where i write about homelife. my kids, my pets, recipes, natural cleaning products, gardening, cool finds... that's what i write about here. this is the hands-on part of my personal journey. i'm reclaiming myself, a self i lost in a hospital somewhere, among all the meds, plastic, waste and complexity that comes with Special Needs parenting. i crave simplicity, and this is my journey to create it for my family and me.

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