Friday, June 6, 2008

CrockPot Strawberry Jam

i'm trying this tomorrow. i bought two quarts of strawberries at the produce stand down sunset, just past shaw's (don't remember the name, but they also have gorgeous flowers!). anyhoo... since i checked out this recipe (link below), i've been dying to make this. well, tomorrow is the day. it's never too hot to crockpot! (esp when you get it going in the morning and let it go all day, and you're outside or something). here's the link, but i'll also write out the recipe for you here:
i don't have quite as many strawberries as the recipe calls for, but i'll improvise a bit. really, i'm just desperate for homemade strawberry jam, so whatever it takes. ;) but this is the recipe from the website:

4 lbs fresh strawberries
3 cups sugar
1-2 boxes of pectin

so, there you go. throw it all, mashed together of course, into the crockpot and cook for 10 to 12 hours. then can it or freeze it or whatever. for specific instructions, follow the link above. i can't wait to do this recipe! i'm so excited! i'm doing it tomorrow, and i'll post the verdict tomorrow night.


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i like this blog. this is where i write about homelife. my kids, my pets, recipes, natural cleaning products, gardening, cool finds... that's what i write about here. this is the hands-on part of my personal journey. i'm reclaiming myself, a self i lost in a hospital somewhere, among all the meds, plastic, waste and complexity that comes with Special Needs parenting. i crave simplicity, and this is my journey to create it for my family and me.

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