Saturday, June 7, 2008

eureka! i found some!

haha! succès! thanks to freecycle, i have now acquired 2 bikes. i'm keeping one, and my mom can have the other one. sure, they're not perfect, but if i happen upon a better quality at some point, i can donate these somewhere (Bibles for Missions is just down the street), and i've lost nothing, since i didn't pay for these.
also yesterday, we got rid of one of our window a/c's, again thanks to freecycle. there's a family in st thomas who will be much more comfortable today, and that's a good thing.
well, i'm off to shower quickly and then go garage saling with the fam. (and don't forget to check back tomorrow evening for the weekly update on my garden. there's been quite a bit of growth this week, and i can't wait to share it with you!)
may your weekend be cheap and/or free, may your house be comfortable in the heatwave, and may your garden bloom into life.


Why I Write Here

i like this blog. this is where i write about homelife. my kids, my pets, recipes, natural cleaning products, gardening, cool finds... that's what i write about here. this is the hands-on part of my personal journey. i'm reclaiming myself, a self i lost in a hospital somewhere, among all the meds, plastic, waste and complexity that comes with Special Needs parenting. i crave simplicity, and this is my journey to create it for my family and me.

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